Thursday, March 1, 2007

whoopsie doodle

Out of habit I place my knives when not in use blade facing south above the cutting board. This habit has searved me well and has been drilled into my head through my apprenticeship. The point being is that you always know where the blade is on you work surface. Today I deviated from this training. The blade faced in beside the board. (We were working in tight quarters) I went to remove the board and ended up removing the tip of my pinky. That now throbs as I type. This poor pinky of mine has endured more damage than I can tell you. Starting with a remarkable date with Karin some 15 years ago when I traveled through the looking glass and ended up in emerg. I lost the feeling in the last knuckle and subsequently favor it tucking it away from hot objects or steely knives. Not knowing when I’ll be injured next. It has been a long time since I’ve had such a bad injury what’s that saying about habits?
This is a picture of me and Meli and the ever-popular sausage joke. We are holding summer sausage…

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