We had cake again today at the butcher. It was their 2nd anniversary. Near the Healthy Butcher there are two restaurants - one named I [heart] Sushi and the other King Shwarma [heart]. I don't understand why but when the sausage joke got tired today we started saying aloud what we all "heart". We even thought about T-shirts being printed. Needless to say DDay has a new nickname... Downward Dog (DD). We were laughing so hard today, incredible after all of us confessed of being out of it or not into the tasks at hand or generally #@@%*&! things up large.
Karin buys wine sometimes by the name. Whatever strikes her fancy, it's fun and adventurous. Today we had a wine named Monsanto, a chianti. not bad, and good for a joke. Of course it spurned a dinner conversation about seed patents and farmers having to sign contracts for seeds or who are sued for genetically modified seeds that are blown into their fields unbeknownst to them.
We were introduced to a man the other day - C. Fox. His grandfather was one of the original owners of our house. He came back today to give us some pictures of the house and his grandparens circa 1909. The house predates 1900 and was essentially suburban Toronto. C. Fox is in his 60s and it was nice to share in his memories of this space. It names a spirit that the house has always had.